Sunday, August 11, 2019

International Yoga Conference – it’s benefit for our health

Yoga is the most perfect health and wellness module as it is comprehensive and holistic in nature. The concept was developed as a spiritual practice thousands of years ago. Now, it is being practiced as an alternative healthcare practice. Yoga is a practice that connects the body, breath, and mind. It uses physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve overall health. Yoga in fact means union of individual consciousness with the supreme consciousness. It involves eight rungs or limbs of yoga, which include yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi. Intense practice of these leads to self-realization, which is the primary goal of yoga. An analytical look at the rungs and the goal of yoga shows that it is a holistic way of life leading to a state of complete physical, social, mental, and spiritual well-being and harmony with nature.

Yoga has also been seen to improve indices of risk in adults with diabetes, including glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, lipid profiles, anthropometric characteristics and blood pressure. It also leads to a reduction in oxidative damage; improve coagulation profiles and pulmonary function, and decreases sympathetic activation in adults with diabetes and related chronic disorders. Yoga may also be useful in reducing medication requirements in patients with diabetes and could help prevent and manage cardiovascular complications.
While yoga is generally safe, you can still get hurt if you do a pose incorrectly or push yourself too far. Here are some tips to stay safe when doing yoga.
Styles of Yoga
There are many different types or styles of yoga. Some of the more popular styles of yoga are:
  • Ashtanga or power yoga: This type of yoga offers a more demanding workout. In these classes, you quickly move from one posture to another.
  • Bikram or hot yoga: You do a series of 26 poses in a room heated to 35°C to 37.8°C. The goal is to warm and stretch the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and to purify the body through sweat.
  • Hatha yoga: This is sometimes a general term for yoga. It most often includes both breathing and postures.
  • Integral: A gentle type of yoga that may include breathing exercises, chanting, and meditation.
  • Iyengar: A style that places great attention to the precise alignment of the body. You may also hold poses for long periods of time.
  • Kundalin: Emphasizes the effects of breath on the postures. The goal is to free energy in the lower body so it can move upward.
Viniyoga: This style adapts postures to each person’s needs and abilities, and coordinates breath and postures.
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